Fees - General approach

We do not undertake fixed fee work and deal with each matter individually as opposed to adopting a “one size fits all” approach. We do not pay referral fees to third parties to obtain work nor do we calculate fees as a % of the transaction value (Property price or value of an Estate).

As with most solicitors we charge for the amount of time that we spend on your case. This means time spent in meetings, telephone conversations, writing letters, emails and drafting relevant documentation. Our charge structure is based on the profession’s norm of charging in units of 6 minutes so that in each hour there are 10 units with the relevant hourly rate being adopted.

At the beginning of a matter we will provide you with an estimate as to your likely costs for dealing with a particular piece of work on the basis of the information and details you give to us. Furthermore, we will advise you upon which member of our team would be best placed to deal with your case and their respective hourly rates. In some cases, it is most cost effective for junior members of staff to deal with some matters whilst the more senior solicitors will deal with specific legal problem solving. In any event, one of the partners will always supervise and manage your case so that you will be able to discuss any aspects with them.

If, as the matter progresses, it appears that our original estimate was too low we will advise you in writing and explain why the estimate needs to be reviewed.

Fees - Hourly Rates

Naomi Pendrigh £310 + VAT     £372inc VAT
Justin Makin £310 + VAT     £372inc VAT
Ros Healy £300 + VAT     £360inc VAT
Sue Frost £225 + VAT     £270inc VAT
Jose Young £200 + VAT     £240inc VAT

Conveyancing – Purchase of a Freehold Residential Property

Naomi Pendrigh deals with all Conveyancing matters. The firm’s high standards of practice have enabled us to qualify for the Conveyancing Quality Scheme accreditation issued by the Law Society

Our fees cover all of the work required to complete the purchase of your new home, including dealing with registration at the Land Registry and dealing with the payment of Stamp Duty Land Tax (Stamp Duty) if the property is in England, or Land Transaction Tax (Land Tax) if the property you wish to buy is in Wales.

Our Fees

Our fees are based upon the time we estimate it will take for the fee earners involved in your matter to complete it. Fees vary as each transaction has its own characteristics but fees are generally between £2,000 and £2,500 plus VAT (£2,400-£3,000). However, some matters are more complex and require a much higher level of input from Naomi. If your matter is complex, we will advise you as soon as this becomes apparent and explain the effect on our costs estimate.


Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as search fees. We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process but we will require these to be paid in advance.

The disbursements which we anticipate will apply are set out separately below. This is not exhaustive and other disbursements may apply depending on the Property (for example Indemnity policies) and we will advise you if that proves to be the case.

Search Fees

The amount charged by our Search Provider for the Local Authority, Water and Drainage, Environmental and Chancel Repair Searches will differ from property to property but are generally £350-£500 inc VAT.

In addition, we also charge £40 plus VAT (£48) for the time spent organising the electronic transfer of money on the completion of the purchase.

Likewise, we charge £75 plus VAT (£90) for the electronic registration of your ownership of your new home at the Land Registry which halves the registration fee charged by the Land Registry.

Estimated total £465-£615 (or including VAT between £558 and £738).

Land Registry Fees

These are determined by the Land Registry depending on the nature of the transaction and the value of the Transaction. Please use this link: www.gov.uk/guidance/hm-land-registry-registration-services-fees

Stamp Duty or Land Tax (on a purchase)

These are determined by the Land Registry depending on the nature of the transaction and the value of the Transaction. Please use this link: www.tax.service.gov.uk/calculate-stamp-duty-land-tax

When you instruct us we will provide you with a detailed calculation of your likely total costs to include Disbursements.

Estimated total on a £500,000 freehold property is between £17,123 and £17,573

How long will my house purchase take?

How long it will take from our offer being accepted until you can move in to your house will depend on a number of factors. The average process takes between 12 - 15 weeks.

It can be quicker or slower, depending on the parties in the chain. For example, if you are a buyer with no mortgage and no property to sell buying a detached freehold property, it could take 6-8 weeks. However, if you are buying a leasehold property that requires an extension of the lease, this can significantly take longer, between 5 and 8 months. In such a situation additional charges would apply. The same is the case for new build properties where there is a significant amount of additional information that has to be assessed.

Stages of the process

The precise stages involved in the purchase of a residential property vary according to the circumstances. However, these are the key stages in most transactions:

•  Take your instructions and give you initial advice.
•  Check finances are in place to fund the purchase and contact lender's Solicitors if needed.
•  Receive and advise on contract documents.
•  Carry out searches.
•  Obtain further planning documentation if required.
•  Make any necessary enquiries of seller’s Solicitor.
•  Give you advice on all documents and information received.
•  Go through conditions of mortgage offer with you.
•  Send final agreed contract to you for signature.
•  Agree completion date (date from which you own the property).
•  Exchange contracts and notify you that this has happened.
•  Arrange for all monies needed to be received from lender and you.
•  Complete purchase.
•  Deal with payment of Stamp Duty / Land Tax.
•  Deal with application for registration at Land Registry.

Purchase of a Leasehold Residential Property

Our fees cover all the work required to complete the purchase of your new home, including dealing with registration at the Land Registry and dealing with the payment of Stamp Duty Land Tax (Stamp Duty) if the property is in England, or Land Transaction Tax (Land Tax) if the property is in Wales.

Our Fees

Our fees are based upon the time we estimate it will take for the fee earners involved in your matter to complete it. Fees vary as each transaction has its own characteristics and different management structures but fees are generally between £2,000 and £2,500 plus VAT (£2,400-£3,000). However, some matters are more complex and require a much higher level of input from Naomi. If your matter is complex, we will advise you as soon as this becomes as this becomes apparent and explain the effect on our costs estimate.

Anticipated Additional Disbursements for a Leasehold Property

•  Notice of transfer fee – This fee if chargeable is set out in the lease. Often the fee is between £50 - £250.
•  Notice of Charge fee (if the property is to be mortgaged) – This fee is set out in the lease. Often the fee is between £50 and £250.
•  Deed of Covenant fee - This fee is provided by the Management Company for the property and can be difficult to estimate. Often it is between £50 and £250.
•  Certificate of Compliance fee – To be confirmed upon receipt of the lease, as can range between £50 and £250.

* These fees vary from property to property and can on occasion be significantly more than the ranges given above. We can give you an accurate figure once we have sight of your specific documents.

You should also be aware that ground rent and service charge are likely to apply throughout your ownership of the property. We will confirm the ground rent and the anticipated service charge as soon as we receive this information.

Search Fees

The amount charged by our Search Provider for the Local Authority, Water and Drainage, Environmental and Chancel Repair Searches will differ from property to property but are generally £350-£500 inc VAT.

In addition, we also charge £40 plus VAT (£48) for the time spent organising the electronic transfer of money on the completion of the purchase.

Likewise, we charge £75 plus VAT (£90) for the electronic registration of your ownership of your new home at the Land Registry which halves the registration fee charged by the Land Registry.

Estimated total £465-£615 (or including VAT between £558 and £738).

Land Registry Fees

These are determined by the Land Registry depending on the nature of the transaction and the value of the Transaction. Please use this link: www.gov.uk/guidance/hm-land-registry-registration-services-fees

Stamp Duty or Land Tax (on a purchase)

This depends on the purchase price of your property. You can calculate the amount you will need to pay using HMRC’s website or if the property is located in Wales by using the Welsh Revenue Authority’s website. Please use this link: www.tax.service.gov.uk/calculate-stamp-duty-land-tax

When you instruct us, we will provide you with a detailed calculation of your likely total costs to include Disbursements.

Our fee assumes that:

(a) This is a standard transaction and that no unforeseen matters arise including for example (but not limited to) a defect in title which requires remedying prior to completion or the preparation of additional documents ancillary to the main transaction.

(b) This is the assignment of an existing lease and is not the grant of a new lease.

(c) The transaction is concluded in a timely manner and no unforeseen complication arise.

(d) No indemnity policies are required. Additional disbursements may apply if indemnity policies are required.

(e) A leasehold property is managed by a Management Company.

Probate - Range of costs

Our Probate Team is made up of Naomi Pendrigh, Justin Makin, and Sue Frost who will deal with all Probate matters.

Applying for the Grant, collecting and distributing the assets

We anticipate this will take between 10 and 15 hours of work at the hourly rate of the individual set out above (see the paragraph headed (“Fees-Hourly Rates”) Total costs estimated at: £2,500 – £3,500 plus VAT (£3,000-£4,2000 including VAT).

The exact cost will depend on the individual circumstances of the matter. For example, if there is one beneficiary and no property, costs will be at the lower end of the range. If there are multiple beneficiaries, a property and multiple bank accounts, costs will be at the higher end.

We will handle the full process for you. This quote is for estates where:

• There is a valid Will.
• There is no more than one property.
• There are no more than 3 bank or building society accounts.
• There are no other intangible assets.
• There are 1 – 2 beneficiaries.
• There are no disputes between beneficiaries on division of assets. If disputes arise this is likely to lead to a substantial increase in costs.
• There is no inheritance tax payable and the executors do not need to submit a full account to HMRC.
• There are no claims made against the estate.

In addition, there may be the following disbursements:-

• Probate application fee of £300 plus £1.50p for each certified copy of the Grant.
• Bankruptcy – only Land Charges Department searches (£7 per beneficiary)
• Approximately £115 Post in the London Gazette – Protects against unexpected claims from unknown creditors.

Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as court fees. We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process.

Potential additional costs

• If there is no Will or the estate consists of any shareholdings (stocks and bonds) there is likely to be additional costs that could range significantly depending on the estate and how it is to be dealt with. We can give you a more accurate quote once we have more information.
• If additional copies of the Grant are required, they will cost £1.50 each.
• Dealing with the sale or transfer of any property in the estate is not included.

How long will it take?

On average, estates that fall within this range are dealt with within 3 and 9 months. Typically, obtaining the Grant of Probate takes 6 - 12 weeks. Collecting assets, the follows, which can take between 4 - 8 weeks. Once this has been done, we can distribute the assets, which normally takes 4 - 6 weeks.


Naomi, Justin and Ros are able to give advice and draft Wills and Trust Deeds for you. Our fees are charged on a time spent basis and we will provide you with an estimate once we have a full understanding of your wishes and objectives.

Powers of Attorney

Naomi and Justin are able to give advice and draft Powers of Attorney for you and arrange for them to be registered at the Office of the Public Guardian.
Our fees are charged on a time spent basis and we will provide you with an estimate once we have a full understanding of your wishes and objectives.

We generally find that our fees for dealing with one Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) will be between £600-750 + VAT (£720-£900 inc VAT). If you wish to have both LPA's our fee range is £750-£900 + VAT (£900-£1,080 inc VAT). If you instruct us as a couple then the fees are unlikely to be twice the fee for an individual as much of the work will be done when we meet you both so the overall cost will be lower.

The OPG charge a Registration fee of £82 per LPA which is in addition to our fees.

Family Matters

Justin and Ros are able to advise on all aspects of Family matters (Divorce, separation, financial matters, children matters and pre-nuptial agreements). Our fees are charged on a time spent basis and we will provide you with an estimate once we have a full understanding of the situation and issues to be addressed.

Other Matters

From time to time you may ask us to provide general legal advice on matters which are not listed above. On the basis we are willing and able to do so our fees will be charged on a time spent basis and we will provide you with an estimate once we have a full understanding of the issues upon which you seek advice.

Here are some tips to keep your costs down.

(a) If you need to meet with us or speak with on the telephone then we suggest that you prepare a list of points that you wish to discuss in advance. This way, we can ensure that our meeting/telephone conversation is focused and that the time is used as efficiently as possible.

(b) If you wish to send us emails then we are more than happy to communicate with you in this way. However, we again suggest that you carefully consider exactly what question/issue you would like us to deal with when preparing your email message.

(c) In some cases, we will advise you if there are documents that you can prepare in draft so that our time will be spent applying our legal expertise to finalise them.

(d) Again, in some cases, we can advise you to deal direct with your bank, building society, life insurance company, pension company etc when requesting information as this will reduce the need for us to do work on your behalf.

(e) Please reply promptly to our letters or requests for information as this will prevent us sending you reminder letters.